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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I honestly don’t understand how this metric is useful.

    It seems to just be a surrogate for ‘how many people who died knew they were at risk.’

    If we have a virus with no symptoms and people just immediately drop dead, this metric would plummet since people who died weren’t expecting it.

    If we all got cancer tomorrow from something released in the atmosphere, this metric would skyrocket due to us all seeking care… even if the cancer took a decade to actually kill anyone.

    Covid seems more like the second case than the first… so of course the number went up.

  • Credit where it is due though… they could have remained silent and probably taken no flak… so good on them.

    Their big request seems to be to make sure people are aware when a phone is fixed with off-brand parts. This also makes sense to me. Some portion of off brand parts will cause problems, which may show up as complaints back to or about Apple.

    (An example: we have a system trained to map rail territory using head-end video using some visual odometery and 2010-era AI. A specific client has cameras that we can’t process well because of weird subtle artifacts. Apple is doing much more complicated stuff than we are.)