Politics, queer politics, techno, gayming, Linux and books. Lots of books. Free Palestine! Trans ally. He/him. @politicalcustard@kolektiva.social

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024

  • I am against MTX because they have put parents in debt when their children have racked up huge MTX bills and it’s very difficult/impossible to get refunds. Yes, parents can protect themselves against this but many parents are not particularly tech savvy and games companies will see these as potentially huge revenue streams and abuse the hell out of them… like EPIC did.

    Also, gaming addicts should also be considered and potential routes to indebtedness avoided.

    Knowing a game has MTX just makes me less likely to buy it. Price the game correctly in the first place, and offer DLCs if you want some extra revenue.

  • I really wish they had; I was playing again today and her character was just being so awful to people. It would be fine to have such a character if over the course of the story she realises she has attachment issues and gradually tries to deal with them throughout the game, but she doesn’t, she just keeps being mean. I have no idea why you would have someone like this as the main character, I have no sympathy for her and the game is not even attempting to get me to empathise or sympathise with her. She’s meeting some really lovely people and I’m getting embarrassed by her behaviour! 😅