I tried sending an encoded message to the unfiltered model and asked it to reply encoded as well but the man in the middle filter detected the attempt and scolded me. I didn’t get an email though.
I tried sending an encoded message to the unfiltered model and asked it to reply encoded as well but the man in the middle filter detected the attempt and scolded me. I didn’t get an email though.
So they need to keep the victim’s card next to one phone, and then they can use another internet connected phone elsewhere to make a purchase. Doesn’t sound that scary to me. If they already have my card then does it matter how far away they can make a purchase?
You’re making zero sense. What is your argument I don’t even get it.
You see, “Other countries” includes the rest of the world. You build whatever fits the country, be it wind or solar or hydro. I don’t understand what you’re saying.
You can absolutely copy this. Just build solar where there’s no wind.
Well the first naive argument against that would be, why would anyone work hard to become an attorney if it doesn’t pay more than anything else? Why spend years in school if it’s not going to get you ahead?
I guess in the star trek universe you do it because you like it?
I want to believe maybe that might work?
I absolutely agree with this comic, and in a lot of ways I was the kid on the left.
I struggle with the solution though. Isn’t it the purpose of all life about giving your offspring a better chance?
When we give the kid on the right more opportunity, the left side will keep increasing their investment until it’s lopsided in their favor again.
Maybe it’s not about trying to reach some theoretical absolute equity, but keeping the distribution at a healthy balance so that one side is not completely locked out of the game. That’s healthier for the whole community too since healthy competition ensures there’s progress.
Who has this many friends willing to jump into a creek fully clothed
You can skip on mobile. Just double tap on right or left.
Although I assume YouTube will disable that for ads.
patriarchy : social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line
“They don’t value patriarchy”. It’s not meant to be a positive thing you idiot.
What the fuck, I had no idea about betterhelp being so scummy.
You clap with your wrists? My condolences.
Me on the couch in the living room that night my parents didn’t notice Basic Instinct is playing on TV.
When you’re defending patents you have to demonstrate you’re developing your own products or licensing them and so you can sue for damages. At this price point this “prototype” is just a loophole so they can extort Apple.
Yeah this is definitely missing a step somewhere. The loans have to be paid off even if you’re dead. Before your kids get anything your assets are used to pay off your debts. Unless there’s a loophole in there where the kids can assume the debts and somehow get the assets tax free, then this post doesn’t make sense.
**Edit: Ah ok the loophole is in allowing the heirs to use step up basis when inheriting the assets. The whole lifetime gains on the assets goes untaxed.
Yeah that’s a big loophole.
I guess this is better than nothing, but what happens if you take a photo of a generated photo? There are setups where the result will be impossible to tell that it’s a photo of a photo, and then you can have the camera digitally sign the fake photo as real.
I sent a rot13 encoded message and tried to get the unfiltered model to write me back in rot13. It immediately “thought” about user trying to bypass filtering and then it refused.