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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2020

  • My point is that the “piss in the car” comment was mean, thoughtless, and added nothing. If grandpa is incontinent, then he’ll wear diapers regardless of the car or the bus.

    Your comment was either a.) implying that messing themselves in public was better than in relative privacy, or b.) if you use a car, grandpa doesn’t get to wear Depends.

    Take your pick.

    It might not be what you meant, but you were too busy being a jerk to notice that it’s what you said.

  • In the doctor scenario, we’ve had adult diapers for a long time. Your solution is you let them pee in your car?

    And your solution is they shit themselves on public transportation?

    I mean, I’m 100% for better public transportation and urban centers designed around walking, but let’s compare apples to apples here.

    They didn’t make a straw man argument, they had a point. It’s a genuine issue and they deserve better than a flippant remark telling them to make grandpa wear diapers so he can piss himself on his walk from the bus stop.

  • TL;DR: Don’t lay this one on me, buddy. You walked in here looking for a fight.

    I didn’t much care for the direction you started in. If you wanted an actual discussion, then opening with hostility and claims that could be refuted if you’d bothered with less than a minute of research is the wrong way to go.

    If you want a civilized discussion, you have to start with a civilized post. My responses have been no more hostile than your opening salvo.

    As it happens, Google’s influence over Mozilla is of massive concern to me. And I agree that the change was not needed. But it’s not obscure, it’s not hard to find out how to do what you wanted to do, and your hostility to responses suggesting DuckDuckGo only confirmed my suspicion that you didn’t want an answer, you wanted a fight.

    So I gave you one.

    Here’s the deal. If you walk into a place with guns blazing, you don’t get to act all surprised and indignant when someone fires back.

  • Maybe. But even if that was the case, the way it is now isn’t obfuscated. It’s not difficult. It’s not hard to find out how to do it. You made a big long post to complain about an “obfuscated” feature that I found in under a minute.

    Next time, either do a search or ask for help, instead of whinging like a n00b. Or worse, some kind of Google FUD-spreading parasite.

    FFS, Jesus Wept. I finally understand those blokes over at FreeBSD telling me to RTFM twenty years ago.

    Edit: Apparently, the synonym for complain I used before was offensive. It was not the “B” word, which I only use in reference to female dogs. Just wanted that to be clear.

  • s20@lemmy.mltoFirefox@lemmy.mlOh no youtube
    1 year ago

    Err… no?

    As far as I can tell, “hyperpolic” is a typo, and you meant “hyperbolic”, which kinda fits, but it would be “contains a hyperbolic statement,” rather than “contains hyperbole.” It would be less clear, though, since “hyperbolic” can refer to either “hyperbole” or “hyperbola”.

    Meanwhile hyperbole refers only to a figure of speech and not potentially an open curve with two branches.

    Sorry, did I ruin your joke? I ruined your joke didn’t I. Man, I just can’t stop myself from being a pedantic jackass…

  • s20@lemmy.mltoFirefox@lemmy.mlOh no youtube
    1 year ago

    Here’s the thing, YouTube. When you first started running ads, I didn’t really mind. They were short, there weren’t that many, and if they were particularly annoying or repetitive, there was a skip button. I respected that you needed to make money and that you wanted to pay the content creators, and you respected my time.

    But then you decided to flood the fucking platform and cut the revenue share with the creators. Without adblock, I can’t watch a 5 minute video without 5 minutes of ads. You’re trying to force me into paying for your premium service by annoying me to death.

    Which I might do if I thought the people whose videos I actually like got a decent share of the revenue. But they don’t. Hell, at least one of my favorite YouTubers is regularly demonetized, so they wouldn’t see a penny.

    So, YouTube, I’ll keep blocking ads and use services like Patreon to support my favorite YouTube folks the best I can. And if you won’t let me use adblock? Well, I guess I have to find some other way to occupy that hour or so a week I use your service, because I’m sure as shit not using half of it to watch ads that don’t benefit the people whose videos I enjoy.

    ETA: this post contains hyperbole (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperbole ).

  • Gonna go with Manjaro. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why it gets the support it does. It’s not fantastic to begin with, with an apparently incompetent management team. Add in that all the theming is flat and lifeless, and I’m just confused.

    I mean, any Arch derived distro with an “easy installer” kinda confuses me. Archinstall is fairly easy to use (although a bit ugly), and most other Arch based distros seem to miss what I see as the main point of Arch: getting to know and personalize your system. So things like Endeavor, Xero, etc. Don’t make a lot of sense to me either. But at least they’re not effectively accidentally DDOSing the AUR…