I like it because of the convience but yeah it is basically leeching. At the same time, you can only watch stuff on-the-fly when it is seeded healthily say like 70+ seeders. So using stremio doesn’t really hurt anyone ig
I like it because of the convience but yeah it is basically leeching. At the same time, you can only watch stuff on-the-fly when it is seeded healthily say like 70+ seeders. So using stremio doesn’t really hurt anyone ig
Dang this article and the comments on hackernews makes me feel I need to game more.
Only recently I have realised that gaming is indeed an addiction and that I need to stop playing them(wasn’t successful yet). It’s because during the times I’ve deeply immersed myself into games, I don’t seem to pay attention to my other areas of my life. Now that I recall those times, I don’t seem to remember any memorable event in my life in that time period. It’s almost as if those years have been skipped in my life which is too bad. Hence I started to think gaming as a bad habit that needs stopping but haven’t been able to do so. Hopefully one day.
I am glad that people are having different views on gaming and proposing a belief that it really isn’t that bad to be really that immersed into the games.
I am kind of in the same boat as OP and I did come across Nextcloud. But how reliable is Nextcloud hosted by some other org/company/person? Aren’t we running away from a company hosting our data to another company hosting our data?
Spoke my heart
Guess it’s ByeAnime now