I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

Account migration from @skulblaka@startrek.website after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I was going to say this already after reading, but getting to your last couple lines really reinforced it - hey, you’re good people, thanks for weighing in where you do. I see quite a lot of your posts in my daily browsing and they’re almost exclusively all long-form well thought out responses like this one. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you have a bad take about anything. I greatly respect your life experience and your opinions, they mirror a lot of what I’ve seen myself in the world as a generally curious soul.

    Just wanted to say that. I’ve scrolled past enough of your comments where I wanted to add a quick “hey, thanks for this” but it wouldn’t add anything to the conversation. This time is no different except that I’ve reached a limit of not acknowledging it out loud where I’m starting to feel bad every time I do so. Thank you for your contributions to our communities.

    We’ll probably never meet, but if we did, I think I’d like to buy you a beer.

  • I remember being 11 and playing Super Mario World and a couple Zelda games about a hundred times each. I came back to them over and over, I remember the maps and layout of Ocarina of Time better than I remember some of my childhood homes.

    Now I have a steam library with 750 games in it and I can barely finish with the game I’m currently playing before I’m back on the store pages looking for more novelty. I think the average play time of items in my library is something like 2 hours.

    I hate what I’ve become but I’ve lost what I had in the past. When I only had like five games I had no problem coming back to them over and over and over, but now that I’ve got my own income and no oversight I’ve flooded myself with options to the point that I don’t even want to play any of them. It sucks. I take solace in the fact that I pretty exclusively buy things on sale, so the total money pile is roughly half the size it would have been otherwise, but even so I don’t really want to know how much money I’ve spent on steam over my career. That’s cursed knowledge.

  • Yeah I’ve never had this issue with Android, not least of which is because you’re able to just root it and install whatever ROM/OS you want. If Google pushes an unstable update just wipe that shit and put Lineage on it.

    Apple only gets away with it because they put their users in a walled garden where you have no choice but to receive Apple’s updates on their timeframe. I quit that life in 2006 when they updated my iPod Touch into uselessness and haven’t come across the problem again since switching to Android.

  • Ooh, also changing your post after you’ve already replied, into something completely different. Real classy. Definitely real stable genius kind of behavior.

    I’m going to say this once, nice and loud and slow for you and everyone else in the back seats : Repeating a lie over and over again does not make it true. Doubling down on a lie when called out also does not make it true.

    Now I’m going to do the intelligent thing, that I should have done the first time we had this exact same argument: Enjoy your block, we won’t be interacting again.