• 47 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • And have multiple copies in at least two locations of anything truly important to guard against disaster (such as a fire or regionally appropriate natural disaster). I got a spare drive to copy all the music that I’ve made and sent it to my father in a different part of the country. I could lose everything and be pretty bummed, but not that (without severe depression). I also endorse use of a safe deposit box at a bank if you don’t have someone who can hold data in a different city.

  • Roughly one third. I believe it’s Wyoming that gets an equal number of Senate seats as California while having one twentieth the population (I could be wrong about which state, but the statistic is the important part). My state gets the same number of representatives in that house of government with twenty times as many people. Meaning that my vote is diluted twenty times or theirs is amplified twenty times.

    It’s a shit show.

  • I’ve had two kitties that got one or two pounds overweight and both were long-hairs. I always figured that cats that are built for colder weather have an instinct to eat and bulk up in case of food scarcity. My short-hair kitty has stayed slender which, to me, seems to back that up. But I don’t know anything scientific or medical, it’s just an observation.

  • Not OP, but I had to take my little buddy to got to the vet under dire circumstances. I held him, wrapped in a towel for warmth, like a baby. I talked to him and he talked back but never opened his eyes. I couldn’t be in the room when they gave him the shot or after. Now I’m crying.