• 90 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2023


  • stabby_cicada@slrpnk.nettoShoplifting@slrpnk.netlifting expired food
    6 months ago

    To a capitalist, there is no good shoplifting. Nobody’s going to check the expiration dates on what you stole before arresting you. You took stuff off their shelves that they could have sold - come on, do you really think stores pull expired product the day it expires? - and that makes you the bad guy.

    Conversely, to an anarchist, there is no bad shoplifting. Why should it matter if the store owner could make a profit off the item or not? If you’re willing to steal from the owner you’ve already decided you don’t care about his profits 😆

  • I completely agree that second hand goods and clothing are a vital part of anything punk. Especially if there’s a particular brand or model that’s routinely found secondhand in good condition, due to its durability or whatever - that’s the sort of information we should share with one another.

    I wouldn’t want to see too harsh a sourcing requirement for secondhand goods, even. It’s not like you can prove a statement like “I see these at yard sales all the time” even if you do. And even posts about things that are rare and difficult to find are valuable posts, because they let people know “hey, if you see this at a yard sale, you should grab it”.

    Maybe require that every post has a sourcing statement - “this is where I got X” - and require that either the item is still sold or you acquired it secondhand recently indicating the item is currently available secondhand. That will disallow the “I inherited this refrigerator fifty years ago, they don’t build them like this anymore, I refill it with bootleg Mexico CFCs and it runs like a dream” kind of posts and still allow for secondhand and vintage stuff.

  • No, you got the context right.

    But look at what you’re writing.

    You have enough financial security that you can buy from “ethical” stores even if they’re more expensive than other options.

    You have reliable enough transportation that you can get to “ethical” stores even if they aren’t within walking distance or on public transit lines.

    You have the time, and energy, and information resources, to identify what stores meet your ethical code and what don’t.

    That’s all privilege. You realize that’s all privilege, right?

    And if you’re going to look down at people who shop at businesses whose ethics they disagree with, I say, with kindness but very sincerely, check your privilege.

    (And then there’s the less important point of relative privilege, and how someone desperate enough to steal food needs that food more than the store owner needs money for the food, no matter how good a person the store owner is, because to each according to their needs, right?)

  • stabby_cicada@slrpnk.netOPtoShoplifting@slrpnk.netlearn to mind your own business
    1 year ago

    I don’t see the moral difference between stealing baby formula to feed your baby and stealing baby formula to sell for rent. Capitalism fucking sucks and people do what they have to do.

    And for all y’all saying "they’re probably just stealing for drug money or to buy designer clothes or (insert bad reason here) - that’s your bias speaking. You think the worst of shoplifters because you want to think the worst of shoplifters. You don’t know why someone is stealing. You don’t know what their life is like or what they need.

    Do you know for a fact someone isn’t stealing to feed themselves or their kids? No? Then give your fellow man the benefit of the fucking doubt. Keep your mouth shut and your hands off.

    And frankly, if someone develops an addiction because they use illegal drugs to mitigate the symptoms of their untreated mental illness or to numb the pain of being homeless in a capitalist society, and they steal to feed that addiction, who the hell are you to judge them? Everyone has a right to medical care, which means addicts have a right to medical care to treat their addiction, which is a hell of a lot more valuable than a few hundred dollars in baby formula, and society has stolen that right from them, so why shouldn’t they steal a little of their own back?

    Even the least excusable shoplifting has a reason for it. And it is, quite frankly, a victimless crime, because corporations aren’t people. And I don’t give a shit if somebody in upper management loses his Christmas bonus over shrinkage. Wage theft by corporate employers steals three times as much as all other forms of larceny and theft in the US combined. So think about who the real thieves are before you go judging people.