What’s so incredibly frustrating is that the measures taken against climate change had actually started to take effect (CO2 emissions are in decline) and now they’re going to make it worse again.
What’s so incredibly frustrating is that the measures taken against climate change had actually started to take effect (CO2 emissions are in decline) and now they’re going to make it worse again.
AI can’t edit. AI needs editing.
I’m an editor; my sources are experts, books, research papers, people who have had similar experiences, dictionaries, a thesaurus, a degree in English Language, and a profound hatred of m-dashes and double spaces after a full stop.
Oh, there are a lot of guns. People just don’t carry them around.
China wants Siberia because of its fresh water supply. It will either invade Russia or put Putin’s back against the wall and say, “Give us Siberia or else.”
So I’m wondering if that is one of the reasons Putin recruited Trump. To have backup.
Tell that to the 93% of morons who voted AfD in my town in Brandenburg. I’m so glad I’m moving away.
They’re also trained to deescalate.
I remember a while ago somebody posted a video of an Italian cop talking a guy who was beating his girlfriend into giving himself up and the Americans were completely baffled that he hadn’t just shot him.
That’s a great comparison.