Trying a switch to, at least for a while, due to recent stability problems and to help spread load.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It depends on the definition of “support ended”. Like, there are various forms of extended support that you can pay for for versions of Windows, and some companies do.

    Support for the original release of Windows XP (without a service pack) ended on August 30, 2005.[4] Both Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 1a were retired on October 10, 2006,[4] and both Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 reached their end of support on July 13, 2010, about 24 months after the launch of Windows XP Service Pack 3.[4] The company stopped general licensing of Windows XP to OEMs and terminated retail sales of the operating system on June 30, 2008, 17 months after the release of Windows Vista.[114] However, an exception was announced on April 3, 2008, for OEMs producing what it defined as “ultra low-cost personal computers”, particularly netbooks, until one year after the availability of Windows 7 on October 22, 2009. Analysts felt that the move was primarily intended to compete against Linux-based netbooks, although Microsoft’s Kevin Hutz stated that the decision was due to apparent market demand for low-end computers with Windows.[115]

    So for those, we’re all definitely a decade past the end of normal support. However, they have their extended support packages that can be purchased, and we aren’t a decade past the end of those…but most users probably aren’t actually getting those:

    On April 14, 2009, Windows XP exited mainstream support and entered the extended support phase; Microsoft continued to provide security updates every month for Windows XP, however, free technical support, warranty claims, and design changes were no longer being offered. Extended support ended on April 8, 2014, over 12 years after the release of Windows XP; normally Microsoft products have a support life cycle of only 10 years.[118] Beyond the final security updates released on April 8, no more security patches or support information are provided for XP free-of-charge; “critical patches” will still be created, and made available only to customers subscribing to a paid “Custom Support” plan.[119] As it is a Windows component, all versions of Internet Explorer for Windows XP also became unsupported.[120]

    In January 2014, it was estimated that more than 95% of the 3 million automated teller machines in the world were still running Windows XP (which largely replaced IBM’s OS/2 as the predominant operating system on ATMs); ATMs have an average lifecycle of between seven and ten years, but some have had lifecycles as long as 15. Plans were being made by several ATM vendors and their customers to migrate to Windows 7-based systems over the course of 2014, while vendors have also considered the possibility of using Linux-based platforms in the future to give them more flexibility for support lifecycles, and the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) has since endorsed Windows 10 as a further replacement.[121] However, ATMs typically run the embedded variant of Windows XP, which was supported through January 2016.[122] As of May 2017, around 60% of the 220,000 ATMs in India still run Windows XP.[123]

    Furthermore, at least 49% of all computers in China still ran XP at the beginning of 2014. These holdouts were influenced by several factors; prices of genuine copies of later versions of Windows in the country are high, while Ni Guangnan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned that Windows 8 could allegedly expose users to surveillance by the United States government,[124] and the Chinese government banned the purchase of Windows 8 products for government use in May 2014 in protest of Microsoft’s inability to provide “guaranteed” support.[125] The government also had concerns that the impending end of support could affect their anti-piracy initiatives with Microsoft, as users would simply pirate newer versions rather than purchasing them legally. As such, government officials formally requested that Microsoft extend the support period for XP for these reasons. While Microsoft did not comply with their requests, a number of major Chinese software developers, such as Lenovo, Kingsoft and Tencent, will provide free support and resources for Chinese users migrating from XP.[126] Several governments, in particular those of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, elected to negotiate “Custom Support” plans with Microsoft for their continued, internal use of Windows XP; the British government’s deal lasted for a year, and also covered support for Office 2003 (which reached end-of-life the same day) and cost £5.5 million.[127]

    For the typical, individual end user, one probably wants to have been off Windows XP by 2008.

  • I don’t care if the train takes 8 or 10 hours to go from one end of the country to the other what I care about is the fact that you are raped by the 200 plus charge.

    goes to look

    It looks like a rail ticket a week from now (October 10) is about £220 from London to Inverness. A bus ticket (megabus) can be had for £27. On the other hand, rail is about 8 hours and the bus 13 hours.

    So if you would like to optimize for price, I suppose that the bus probably is a lot more appealing, though the trip will take longer.

    EDIT: Just to check what you could theoretically get the bus time down to, Google Maps says that it’s about 10 hours to go from London to Inverness in a car. So that’s about the floor on what a bus service could do (no changes, no intermediate stops), short of introducing new or faster highways.

    EDIT2: For completeness, air (easyJet) appears to be available for that route for £51 and take 1 hour and 40 minutes. More expensive than the bus, but also much less so than rail, and considerably faster than either.

  • An example of another government effort to gather up unused windows and send them to Ukraine:

    The Lithuanian capital will share window glass with Ukraine

    Window glass is what the cities and villages of Ukraine affected by enemy shelling need today. Unfortunately, the country is unable to meet this need. Residents and businesses of Vilnius are urged to hand over windows and double-glazed windows to restore housing in Ukraine damaged by Russian shelling. The corresponding address was made by the mayor of the Lithuanian capital Remigijus Šimašius on Facebook.

    According to him, mayors and residents of Ukrainian cities are asking for help in restoring windows, as many houses have holes covered with cardboard instead of windows.

    “If you are a business, you may still have windows from your renovated home. If you make glass, you can contribute to helping Ukraine. I have already invited companies from the Municipality of Vilnius, the community of developers and members of the Lithuanian Builders’ Association. Thank you to everyone who responded quickly,” – Šimašius wrote.

    He also called on his compatriots to make an inventory of their garages and dachas in search of building materials that could remain after the repairs. While, glass sheets with an area of ​​at least 1 square meter are suitable for collection. (possible with frames) and double-glazed windows. Shimashius noted the points where you can pass.

    The self-government of the Lithuanian capital is taking over the delivery of glass to Ukraine.

  • googles

    It looks like the British government is presently subsidizing insulation improvements to British homes. One option that it apparently chose not to do was to subsidize upgrading to double-glazed windows:

    Some trade associations and manufacturers agreed with the proposed measures but pointed
    towards benefits that additional measures could bring, such as insulation measures for doors
    and windows. Draught proofing, double glazing, and ventilation measures were the most
    common ones highlighted by respondents as missing from the Scheme. A few respondents
    pointed towards the need to incentivise solid wall insulation further, which is needed in many
    fuel poor homes.

    Of the minority that disagreed with our proposal, the most popular suggestion was to allow
    further insulation measures such as double glazing or draught proofing, to provide suppliers
    and households with the maximum level of flexibility.

    Were the UK to increase the rate of upgrading to double-glazing via incentivizing same while requiring the donation of the removed single-glazed windows, I would think that this would kill two birds with one stone.

  • Submitting this, as it’s a bit surreal to see a window manufacturer go out of business due to lack of demand after reading a bunch of articles about how Ukraine’s been unable to obtain windows. When I was reading some documents from the Ukrainian government last year, one of their most-immediate economic asks was for funds to help build window and glass construction facilities, because they couldn’t get ahold of windows to replace those destroyed by explosions.

    A team of Warsaw-based volunteers have won praise for their campaign to replace windows in Ukraine damaged by Russian shelling.

    Co-founded by Polish activist Zofia Jaworowska and Kyiv architect Petro Vladimirov, the Okno Projekt (Project Window) has so far seen hundreds of disused windows gathered and transported to enjoy a second life in war-torn Ukraine.

    Born in July of last year, the initiative was launched when a wave of Ukrainians began returning home from Poland to liberated territories around Kyiv and the Chernihiv and Kherson oblasts.

    Jaworowska said: “Winter was coming and it was necessary to help with repairing houses as soon as possible – in the first two months alone we managed to collect nearly 700 windows from across Poland send two full trucks to Ukraine.”

    Explaining the urgency of the action, Vladimirov added: “Because of explosion, glass and windows are the first thing that are destroyed so we decided to concentrate on supplying windows. We found out that Ukraine has no facility producing window glass and that before the war 75 percent of it was imported from Russia and Belarus.”

    By contrast, Poland is the largest exporter of windows in the EU.

    “One and a half thousand windows in a year sounds like ‘wow’ to someone, but looking at the scale of the destruction, we understand that it is just a drop in the ocean,” said Vladimirov.

    Scotland has a charity trying to put together (unglamorous) ad-hoc replacement windows for destroyed Ukrainian ones using PVC pipe and plastic wrap. Quoting them:

    Since the start of the war, an estimated 1-10 million windows have been blown out in Ukraine.

  • It looks like the UK has some drastically-older yews.

    The Fortingall Yew is an ancient European yew (Taxus baccata) in the churchyard of the village of Fortingall in Perthshire, Scotland. Considered one of the oldest trees in Britain, modern estimates place its age at an average of 5,000 years.[1]

    Some estimates put the tree’s age at between 2,000 and 3,000 years; it may also be a remnant of a post-Roman Christian site and around 1,500 years old.[2] Others have suggested an age as great as 5,000 to 9,000 years. Forestry and Land Scotland consider it to be 5,000 years old.[1] This makes it one of the oldest known trees in Europe.[3] (The root system of the Norway spruce Old Tjikko in Sweden is at least 9,500 years old.[4]) The Fortingall Yew is possibly the oldest tree in Britain.[2]

    The Llangernyw Yew ([ɬanˈɡɛrnɨu] ⓘ) is an ancient yew (Taxus baccata) in the village of Llangernyw, Conwy, North Wales. The tree is fragmented and its core part has been lost, leaving several enormous offshoots. The girth of the tree at the ground level is 10.75 m (35.3 ft).[1]

    This yew tree lives in the churchyard of St. Digain’s Church in Llangernyw village. Although it is very hard to determine the age of yew trees,[2][3] the churchyard gate holds a certificate from the Yew Tree Campaign in 2002, signed by David Bellamy, which states that “according to all the data we have to hand” the tree is dated to between 4,000 and 5,000 years old.

  • Reddit had the ability to have a per-subreddit wiki. I never dug into it on the moderator side, but it was useful for some things like setting up pages with subreddit rules and the like. I think that moderators had some level of control over it, at least to allow non-moderator edits or not, maybe on a per-page basis.

    That could be a useful option for communities; I think that in general, there is more utility for per-community than per-instance wiki spaces, though I know that you admin a server with one major community which you also moderate, so in your case, there may not be much difference.

    I don’t know how amenable django-wiki is to partitioning things up like that, though.

    EDIT: has a brief summary.