• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • You are right, you do need to weigh everything they said

    Besides the poor name choice and a willingness to give some praise to right wingers when they increase social benefit, the vast majority of the site content is items we all can agree on like increasing Housing supply, promoting working from home, increase benefits, etc

    With that in mind, I can understand why you are cautious because the worse thing the site could be are smart and patient right wingers

    And best we are dealing with progressives with an obsession over population decline because of brain worms

    My money is on we are dealing with a group of people with brain worms

  • Next, let’s talk about British millennials. Before we assign them the blame label, it’s worth diving into some history. The birth rate in the UK has declined since 2013, and this decline isn’t floating in a vacuum. Its roots trace back to the austerity measures implemented post-2008 financial crisis. These cuts have deeply affected social care, welfare, and local government. Between 2010 and 2017, private rents soared by 24%, while social housing options dwindled. Adults, particularly young ones, found themselves either stuck with rising rents or moving back in with their parents. Combine this with the growth of precarious employment, and you get a generation deeply impacted by retreating state support and a daunting economic landscape.

    You forget this part from the same article, which changes the context quite a bit

  • the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Israel offer lessons. These countries have managed to increase fertility rates by introducing pro-natal policies — a combination of cash incentives, subsidised childcare, and housing assistance

    On the other hand, they are explicity focusing on the increase in social benefits, not anything dealing with anti-choice elements, and praised American Democrats for expanding Paid Leave and Unemployment, not to mention you guys left out this quote

    Next, let’s talk about British millennials. Before we assign them the blame label, it’s worth diving into some history. The birth rate in the UK has declined since 2013, and this decline isn’t floating in a vacuum. Its roots trace back to the austerity measures implemented post-2008 financial crisis. These cuts have deeply affected social care, welfare, and local government. Between 2010 and 2017, private rents soared by 24%, while social housing options dwindled. Adults, particularly young ones, found themselves either stuck with rising rents or moving back in with their parents. Combine this with the growth of precarious employment, and you get a generation deeply impacted by retreating state support and a daunting economic landscape.

    If this was a right wing rag or an astroturfed group like pronatalist.org, then they would focus on culture or other nonsensical dogwhistles, but they are clearly hostile towards the right but willing to give praise to anyone who increase social spending