Spoiler it is 30km/h. After that noise and injury risk/severity shoot up. It is the compromise speed.
Spoiler it is 30km/h. After that noise and injury risk/severity shoot up. It is the compromise speed.
Im not just a bog, I’m a poor bog.
D3/D4 And a small splash of milk to round it off. At most a tablespoon (15ml) to a pint.
For everyday user (browser, light office, photo management, tv/movie streaming) it is already as viable as windows as a daily driver.
Once it is installed and up and running. But then most windows users haven’t installed windows themselves so that is almost a moot point. It is first when you get into “specialty” software linux viability drops.
Heck, I’d support regular testing for everyone. Laws change, best practices change and regular testing is a good way to keep most up to date. It would cost, be a hassle and extremely unpopular. But if it saves lives and/or make traffic softer it is worth it.
Damn I’m feeling you. I’m in the fall process (solidly down 15kg/33lb, approaching 20kg/44lb) with about 10-15kg to go. When my belly stops flapping I’m good I think. But I fear the rebound… Currently lots of my evening snacking have disappeared because of evening gym classes, so late home and even later dinner. So I don’t have time anymore to get snacky. Or if I do it’s almost bedtime anyway so I’ll just go to bed instead.
But once I’ve hit my goal and don’t need to hit gym that hard anymore… That frightens me. A little bit at least. Made some good connections there and got a routine going so i can probably keep it up.