What is a cross-gender?
This is not my native language, can someone put it in a eli5?
What is a cross-gender?
This is not my native language, can someone put it in a eli5?
Thank you!
Thanks, get it now.
So, Elon doesnt know this and thinks that multiple uses of SSN is a proof of a fraud when in reality it is just a sign for a bad system that is not used as intended or not designed as it is needed?
Thanks for (starting to) explain this concept to people not accustomed to how the US does their shit.
See, where i live, we used to have for example a Tax-Number. That was a thing the taxdepartment used to identify a person. But if you move from city a to city b, that numbers changes. So if you move a lot, you will have numerous of these.
Now, some 15 years back, the Tax-ID was introduced (fellow residents at this point will lnow it might be Germany) and this number is a one-in-a-kind ID that will only be assigned to you. They create it shortly after birth. My sons first registraion ID was this, before anyrhing else. You will also get a uniqie healthcare-ID that also works like that.
So…how does that work in the US and why is habing a changing number that is not unique helpful? Or what is Elon not getting? I dont get it either because I dont know how this works for you.
Thanks in advance to shed light on this.
This is not beautiful, this is confusing.
Why are the Nederlands with a index of 10 more ro the right than Australia that happens to have an index of 10 as well?
The “information” of the x-axis is completely random or so it seems.
If you plotted medals (y-axis) over index (x-axis) there might be information in there.
Bit this? C’mon, thats embarrassing.
Ok, i read the description 4 times now and i am not shy to say that i dont understand what the graph shows or the description means to explain.
So, 10th on whatever means… 10th more expensive? 10th most cheapest? Is it cleared by income -meaning, is it relatove to median income of said country or is it just average proce based on dollar?
Too, what is the didfeeenxe between “price” and “price level”? For me thats the same (you can tell i dont undersrand the graph)
Thanks for explaining - and considering adapting the explanation.
Optical Emgineer reporting in.
This is bullshite.
Read for yourselves:
What you can learn today is, that if you use a microscope “the other way around”, something big is imaged into somethjng small on the focal plane.
Zeiss, a company that manufactures a shitton of optical stuff, has a very successful semi-conductor branch. That branch started off when some engineers from the microscope-department fiddled around with " inverted" microscopes during their lunchtime to create the first optics for lithography from Zeiss.
Source: i worked there. I know those engineers.
Well, if you had watched the News in the last decades or just simply check for the History of that places down there, you would understand that your post reads like you are 16 and have no fickn idea what you are talking about.
Stick to you manga-memes, the racism you recently post doesnt fit you well.
Ok, so i am not a native speaker of english, so excuse my questions…
Whats an acoustic bike?
And if an E-bike runs with electricity, the acoustic bike runs when i scream at it?
…for a second i thought “damn, why so many hair on her armpit”… And i cannot unsee it.
thank you for the explanation!!