This was a bit too interesting for me, it made me find all my old cords that i have saved to see if I had 5.15 kg cord. Unfortunatly I didn’t have batteries in my scale so now i have to wait until tomorrow to buy batteries.
If i accidentally have a bomb i can just mail it to myself. Now i just have to worry about forgetting stamps and envelope
Im using home assistant and when i scan a tag i add a calendar event to HAs own calendar, for my air filter i add “check filter” 6 months from when i scan the tag.
I use them for infrequent maintanence like the filter in the attic, i tap a tag when i have changed that, same for car oil and a couple of other things. I get notifications when is time again.
I got myself a pillow filled with buckwheat hulls. Neckpain the first 3 days, now i love it. The support is superb, it molds around every part giving equal support everywhere.