With all the CDNs and content been served from several locations for a single web page for example, would it be possible to implement a maintainable whitelist in something like a proxy? Does it makes sense? Or I would break half of the websites?
yes, it would be possible
Any suggestions on the how?
NoScript browser extension is one example. DNS filtering is another.
If you’re looking for website content to not run without permission, running with JavaScript disabled generally gets the job done. Each site I enable JavaScript for is effectively “white listed” to serve me app like features, beyond static content.
What is your goal? I’m not sure I understand. Are you trying to rebuild something like Decentraleyes?
No it’s more a user management thing, I would need users to access a certain list of whitelisted websites only…
Maybe proxy or dns? I’ve been looking in squid proxy but it looks fairly complicated, especially if I wanna be able to access it from wan… But Idk if with DNS I could block ips as well. Setting up an hosts file seems like a lot of continuous work since I would have to specify entries for each ip address associated with domain… Maybe firewall?