This question came into my mind yesterday, when I caught the smell of burning wires in my room. Turns out, my power supply’s fan was jammed by my pen’s ink cartridge (Don’t ask why)

    25 days ago

    It could fall on your head and then you fall out window and land on the top of a hot air balloon and then bounce off that and hit a stack of geese who then honk so loudly that your clothes all blast off, especially your socks, causing you to further fall into a volcano and land on a recently-hardened piece of magma slag, while the noxious fumes cause you to pass gas, creating an explosion so big you get fired out of the volcano like a cannon and land on the moon, where you have nothing to eat but cheese so you develop a bad case of lactose intolerance and fart so bad that the man in the moon (who is a Newfie) picks you up and throws you back to earth, landing in a pool filled with poodles genetically engineered with piranha genes