Everything except making a store people wanted to use? Ethan Evans, who was previously Vice President of Prime Gaming at Amazon, has a short retrospective of trying to take on Steam.
Everything except making a store people wanted to use? Ethan Evans, who was previously Vice President of Prime Gaming at Amazon, has a short retrospective of trying to take on Steam.
Nobody is going to overtake steam without being better. Corporate suits are also too out of touch to even come close
No publicly traded company can compete with a well run private company. Infinitely growing profits breaks everything. Never take a company public if you can help it. It may even be preferable to shutter it if that is the only other option. Having stupid amounts of money is cool and all, but it does nothing useful. Money is only a tool if you actually use it… a golden hammer sitting on a shelf does no one any good.
Yeah even apple is talking about potentially introducing ads into maps when their whole positioning of premium price has meant premium product and experience.
But the pressure of continual stock increases means company has to keep chasing exponential growth as opposed to being content with sustainable growth.
Nobody is going to overtake Steam even if they’re better. People don’t want to have multiple libraries to deal with so you see them brag about paying for games to have them on Steam even though the game has been free on other platforms… Sometimes they even have claimed them and will still spend money to have them on Steam.
Steam will stay great so long as they stay a private company. It’s the enshitification of going public and appeasing boardmembers and shareholders that ruin companies like Valve. I hope GabeN chooses a great successor when he decides to step down. Hoping for another 27 years of awesome.
You realize that the cut they’re taking ends up being used to pay for a yacht collection, right? They don’t need board members and shareholders to enrich the few at the expense of the many and to take anti diversity decisions…
There’s nothing great about Valve at this point, they disrupted the status quo back in the day, came up on top and take advantage of their position, just like any other company, private or public, does in their position.
God forbid a man spend his money however he wants. Get that commie bullshit out of here.
Money changes hands consensually and Gaben/Valve have more than earned mine. Treating your customers like they are your priority in running a service will do that.
Except their massive contributions to the Open Source/Linux ecosystems with Vulkan and Proton, SteamVR being the only properly supported agnostic VR library, and them basically being the one thing between us and Microsoft becoming a walled garden when it comes to gaming, and more recently the Steam Deck?
If you gotta be a hater, at least be correct.
Wow, continue defending billionaires like that, I’m sure their wealth will trickle all the way down to you any day now.
Implying I care LMAO
I’m more than economically comfortable, by no means a billionaire but I’m not hurting like, at all. I own my own home, I am set to inherit like 2 more houses, I make good money at a stable job, I have time for my hobbies and a family I love.
I want for nothing that I can’t have, with some patience.
Gaben having a Yacht collection makes no difference to me, Steam existing and Valve doing what they do does, so I am happy to see them thrive.
Not everyone is an envious crab in a bucket who feels the constant need to compare themselves to others and ensure nobody is more well off than they are.
What a sad life you must lead that you get this angry over something that doesn’t affect you in the least, or did Gabe outbid you on your dream yacht?
Me me me me me
My dude, the world isn’t only about you. You’re much closer to ending up on the street than you are from any billionaire that exists.
Now off to the block list you go, people like you don’t deserve anyone’s attention.
It’s not about you and your inferiority complex, either.
I’m also much closer to the center of the earth than the sun, I’m still quite far from either, and I’m not very worried about being near either anytime soon.
Short of world war 3 or some other world-shaking catastrophe that won’t be my problem alone, I’m pretty sure my biggest worries are my health and not getting hit by a car, rather than sudden bankruptcy, and I don’t live in the US so the former can’t lead to the latter.
You’re not a plane, you don’t need to announce your departure.
What position are they taking advantage of? If they ask for a smaller cut than 30 percent they get botched at for being anti competitive and being too cheap to try and compete against. They ask for more than 30% and they’re price gouging. Sure, everyone who works there is happy and sleeps in piles of money, but they can’t do anything about it without turning into more of a monopoly. As it stands they at least blow money on potentially cool things in R&D like the steam controller, steam box, and Steam Deck.
What do you actually want Gabe to do? He’s already far and wide the industry leader in employee compensation, and he can’t take a smaller cut without becoming a monopoly. Yeah, he could donate loads of money to charity, but his giant stack of cash also keeps his private company lush with funds to continue paying his employees if anything dire does happen, instead of doing like everyone else and laying off people.
You’re defending the owner of a yacht collection and saying his money is used to keep his business lush… Get real.
And you didn’t answer my question.
Because such a ridiculous take doesn’t warrant a response.
Lol. Sure, buddy.
No no, you don’t understand!
He’s one of the good billionaires!
(/s for some of you, and for others perhaps you should reconsider why you feel the need to defend a billionaire, regardless of your opinion on video game platforms)
Also a company that isn’t primarily a gaming company isn’t going to overtake them.
No book store could ever take on a retail store…