Eh, as others say that emoji has a bit of a history. That said, I very much expect he’ll remove all the “DEI emojis” (aka literally any shade who isn’t white or classic yellow)
I feel the same way. It should be a skin tone that nobody on earth actually has. Equally exclusionary across the board equals inclusion automatically and then you don’t have to worry about forgetting anyone.
Eh, as others say that emoji has a bit of a history. That said, I very much expect he’ll remove all the “DEI emojis” (aka literally any shade who isn’t white or classic yellow)
Just yellow is fine, it was fine, it was a single icon that was still representative of all IMO
We’re all simpsons yellow.
well, except for abu maybe.
I feel the same way. It should be a skin tone that nobody on earth actually has. Equally exclusionary across the board equals inclusion automatically and then you don’t have to worry about forgetting anyone.
I explicitly choose yellow when it tries to get me to pick one because why the fuck should my emoji convey race when it doesn’t need to?
Please come back to this comment in a few years to let me know if my prediction is correct and he’s removed all the pride flags
Yeah. Years. Not days.
…good point :P