Well you see if this information was easily accessible online and we could review it then we would be able to tell what is going on buy government contracting while pretending to be transparent is hardly “open source”
So taking tech analogy unless I can inspection the code or people smarter, why would I assume it is not malicious?
So while I can’t claim that every government contract has corruption attached boy any close inspection surely always yields something, it is part of colloquial speech re “efficiency” of government contracting is always bring mocked but the people can’t reach a logical conclusion here.
I am just positing that based on circumstantial evidence this is how corruption would look like.
Sure they tell telsa get some money to do something but we don’t get the terms and conditions and performance unless some shit really got botched
Yes, Capitalism is a big conspiracy involving the capitalist class conspiring against the working class. Look at their class interests. They are and have always been quietly waging a class war.
You’re absolutely right but I’m also gonna go out on a limb and say malicious/racist and incompetent are not mutually exclusive from one another.
They are not but this incompetence angle ignores a more likely scenario: corruption
But people in us sleep better when we say:
Yeah sure but this big money and when there is money, there is corruption
This the hill I will die on.
Then literally everything bad involving people becomes a conspiracy theory
Well you see if this information was easily accessible online and we could review it then we would be able to tell what is going on buy government contracting while pretending to be transparent is hardly “open source”
So taking tech analogy unless I can inspection the code or people smarter, why would I assume it is not malicious?
So while I can’t claim that every government contract has corruption attached boy any close inspection surely always yields something, it is part of colloquial speech re “efficiency” of government contracting is always bring mocked but the people can’t reach a logical conclusion here.
I am just positing that based on circumstantial evidence this is how corruption would look like.
Sure they tell telsa get some money to do something but we don’t get the terms and conditions and performance unless some shit really got botched
Yes, Capitalism is a big conspiracy involving the capitalist class conspiring against the working class. Look at their class interests. They are and have always been quietly waging a class war.
They are still living in the world where a good rich daddy guiding the country to a prosperous future…