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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yes!! That’s the other thing, why is YouTube constantly recommending videos I’ve already watched? I get it all the time where videos I’ve literally watched the day before are being recommended to me. Even more so for videos I’ve watched the week prior. The other thing that’s been annoying the shit out of me is that YouTube is so desperate to send me down political rabbit holes. My political leanings must be a mystery to them since I like liberal stand up comedy, gaming, Linux, and guns, so I’m getting hit with political garbage from both sides. Can I please just have an option to tell YouTube what I want instead of it poorly guessing? Oh wait, that’s the search function, which doesn’t work

  • I went through and cleared all of my old watch history, search history, everything from YouTube. It immediately started recommending the same things I’ve already watched. It continues to recommend seven year old videos regularly. Videos I know it knows I’ve watched already since it clearly didn’t erase any of my history like I asked. The shorts shit is awful. It’s even worse if you tell YouTube not to track you, it freaks out and only plays the same shorts over and over

  • I’m so tired of searching for something specific, getting two or three results relevant to my search, then it just goes into my subscriptions and other recommended channels. I’m really really hoping a new video site comes up soon to replace YouTube. You can’t even use YouTube as a video host anymore. I tried uploading some gameplay of me and my friends fucking around. Had music in the background. I put the video as unlisted, marked it as mature, I’m not a partner or anything that would get me paid, and YouTube refused to allow me to upload it without first muting the music parts. All I wanted was an easy way to share a personal video with my friends, but no, YouTube needs to make money off of every little thing that gets uploaded so I end up fucked even though I have no intentions of making “content”.

  • Short answers work best. "oh hey do you have any plans this weekend? “Yes.” Conversation over. Someone asks you how you are, your answer is “fine, thank you” and you move along. You’re polite and you’ve satisfied all they’ve given you. It won’t work all the time, there are some people who are more interested in talking at you instead of with you. For those, I recommend starting the conversation with an exit. “Oh hey, I’d love to chat, but I only have a couple minutes.” You can now walk away pretty much whenever and it’s not like you didn’t tell them, it was the first thing you said.

  • Unfortunately, this is exactly what I expected when I first heard this was in the works. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure theres plenty of people who enjoy halo infinite. I’m not one of them. The game wasn’t well optimized at the time I played it, a few months after release. Skins were horrible and locked behind micro transactions. Maps were garbage, and matchmaking made it worse. I don’t think I ever got into a match at the start, I was always backfilled. They promised a bunch of fixes/features and delivered on almost none of them. It sucks, Halo was a big part of my highschool years and now it feels like a really shitty money grab. The worst part about it, we have an example of a functioning money grab game, fortnite. People clown on it, but it’s actually fun to play from time to time and I don’t feel burdened by micro transactions like I do with halo infinite

  • In highschool, back in 2007, I got my first taste of Linux in my highschool electronics class. The class was mostly focused on electrical engineering, however we had a computer in the room for research and for whatever reason, my teacher was a hardcore Linux guy. We talked about it for hours and eventually, I ordered a CD from Ubuntu by mail and installed it on my home PC, a computer that originally ran Windows ME. I’ve primarily used Windows since I do a fair bit of gaming, but I’ve always maintained a linux partition of some kind. On my laptop, I’m currently testing out the latest Ubuntu release, but before that, I was running Linux Mint DE in the Mate flavor with BSPWM as the window manager. On my main PC, I have a Windows 10 partition, and a Garuda Linux partition. Garuda is running Mate with BSPWM as well. The funny thing is, I’m not really a tech guy. I just like it and use it mostly just as a consumer. I can work my way around and fix most things when they break, but I’m more likely to just nuke my installation and spin up a new one when things get really bad. I’m planning a full PC upgrade soon and plan to go AMD instead of Nvidia so I can enjoy Wayland. The latest Gnome release feels really good and matches my rose tinted memories of Unity from way back when. Hoping to run that, but may still mess with a tiling window manager set up as well.

  • I get your point, AI is useful for some people, but what about the rest of us who don’t want it or use it? I genuinely use the menu key and would prefer to keep it functioning as it does and now I’m going to be forced to lose that key and now I have to deal with AI? It has no use for me. I also don’t want something actively watching and “thinking” about what I’m doing. I want my computer somewhat dumb and to only do what I tell it to. If you want a keyboard with a dedicated AI button, get one with a macro pad or something. Don’t inconvenience the rest of us by forcing a nonsensical change

  • Did you play destiny 1? It had a rocky start for sure, but once crota came out, they really hit their stride. The taken king was peak destiny, everything was fun, replayability was there, raids were great, pvp was balanced (as well as it could be), the game felt fantastic. Wrath of the machine was a slight downturn, then destiny 2 destroyed all of it. Destiny 2 has yet to live up to the high standard that destiny 1 set.

    Currently, I boot it up every once in a blue moon, but I’m stuck not knowing what actually matters, what the story is, or anything. I never fully unlocked stasis because none of it made sense. The green stringy shit is cool and refreshing, but it’s the same for all three classes. The game feels like poop, and this is from someone who’s been playing since beta