New kink unlocked
New kink unlocked
Fair criticism. I should avoid gatekeeping. Enjoy what you enjoy.
If you like rpgs (real ones, turn based, not this action rpg thing)
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 6, 7, Tactics (the ogs, not remakes)
Secret of Mana
Lufia 2
Grandia 2
Breath of Fire
…And why not, kickle cubical
The US is probably a much bigger market. I imagine it’s the same reason LG is English alphabet and not Hangul. Same with Kia, Hyundai, Samsung, etc.
But this is mere speculation. I could be 100% wrong, happens daily!
The number of people that defend this obvious design flaw/slight is incredible.
FYI This is Poorly Drawn Lines, not war and peas. Source is right, title is off.
I bought, on eeebaaaaaay
Just start using the pantone of the sequel. Looking forward to Persona 350,personally
And Ghandi got his nukes. So time is very limited before world destruction begins.
An age old practice. War is most profitable for private organizations.
Right? How am I supposed to judge someone’s groceries (the real reason we’re here) if it’s G’s all the way down?!
Hasn’t this been pretty common knowledge for a while? The quest 2 is still better for VR than the vision pro. Apple is trying to hone in on some AR virtual desktop market, that has been capitalized by the virtually desktop vr app for years now, and has never really caught on for the masses. The primary draw for VR, currently, is games and, well, porn. Neither of which Apple supports.
But regardless, ol zucky would never admit his product is inferior anyway. So who’s to say, I guess.
Especially to fucking texas. I couldn’t handle that political 180. It’s why I moved away from the south and back to MN.
I know many who’s parents lost their damn shit over something as simple as a butterfly tattoo on an ankle. You’d think they killed a person and the family was praying for mercy. All cause of “religious” indoctrination.
Maybe not the same and certainly not as severe, but just as problematic for confused young adults.
Not good, per se, but certainly some entertaining ones.
The Last of Us is fantastic, but it’s not a movie.