Play along at home!
Play along at home!
I’m just having a hard time imagining a scenario in which it would be offensive…
Plenty where it would be a little confusing. Sandra Dude O’Connor, or Susan Bro Anthony would take some explaining, at the least.
I love sitting neck-deep in an outdoor hot tub on a cold day!
Better for what? I only listen to mp3s I’ve got stored on my phone; I use BlackPlayer for that, and I love it. For streaming music purposes… I dunno, I never got into that racket.
Those are some very specifically-drawn dildos.
I did not expect an absolutely savage takedown of capitalism in the middle of my Rogue One prequel. 10/10, would unionize my workplace.
Q: What’s the the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars?
A: About a billion dollars.
We’re doing the extra-silly speedthrough right now. Next time will be much more comprehensible.
Instructions unclear.
GotGod diagnosed with lead poisoning
Well, that certainly explains the platypus!
This is literally the backstory of Blue Submarine No. 6
I’ve used it to tone down the language I wanted to use in an angry email. I wrote the draft that I wanted to send, and then copied it in and said “What’s a more diplomatic way to write this?” It gave a very milquetoast revision, so I said “Keep it diplomatic, but a little bit more assertive,” and it gave me another, better draft. Then I rewrote the parts that were obviously in robot voice so they were more plausibly like something I would write, and I felt pretty good about that response.
The technology has its uses, but good God, if you don’t actually know what you’re talking about when you use it, it’s going to feed you dogshit and tell you it’s caviar, and you aren’t going to know the difference.
In matters of taste, the customer is always right.
Nobody but the audience gets to decide what the audience wants. Not writers, not actors, not directors, not graphic designers. If you can give the audience something they didn’t know that they wanted until they got it, so much the better for you. But if the audience just plain wants something else, then there’s no amount of cajoling or negotiation that will make them feel otherwise.
That said, I have no idea what the collective response is to either of these posters, and this does feel a bit like a tempest in a teapot.
Colorado River toad: ₍𝄐 ̫͡ 𝄐₎
Humanity: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh, I’ve got fucking Cold urticaria. My body takes it personally if I go swimming in cold water, or don’t wear a heavy sweatshirt on a chilly day, or God forbid if my sheets are just a little bit cold and I’m not wearing wrist-to-ankle pajamas. It fucking sucks, and it didn’t even develop until I was in my thirties, so it’s not as if this something that I learned to live with so early that it’s second nature to me now. FUCK my fucking cold-activated histamines.
Treat your taste kindly with KENT, the cigarette with the NEW Micronite filter!
^^Micronite ^^is ^^asbestos.
Oddly enough, it’s three seashells, and everyone knows how they work.
80 percent-scale mock White House
I’m confused about this part. Does that mean it’s in basic outline correctly-sized but only has 80% as many rooms…
…or that the layout is exactly the same as the original, but everything is 20% smaller? Because then you’ve got issues with all the agents feeling like they’re seven feet tall.
The American electorate: