I hope your optimism is warranted. It feels just as likely that they will take the opposite lesson and learn that offering a drive at all is a mistake
I hope your optimism is warranted. It feels just as likely that they will take the opposite lesson and learn that offering a drive at all is a mistake
The unfortunate corrolary to this is that if you are fueling your tasks with anger and caffeine, letting go of that anger can be supremely demotivating. Trying to be a healthier person to be around can turn around and sap your will for your efforts. At least that is how my experience has been.
You could actually get laser boys, nuke gunners, and machine gun cars in the first title too!
My first instinct is yes, it is essentially flashing. On the other hand, I feel I would be way less likely to assign a sexual motive to mooning unless it was combined with some other sexual gesture or something.
Buried in the sand like turtles, where do you get yours?
Second this, if you like X-Com style combat this will really hit the spot. Abilities stack and are comboable in really fun ways. The only complaint is that there is a lot of text in this game, which can be tough if you’re playing with friends, and six characters can be a lot to level up and equip.
Counter overrun is itself an accident, so it is always technically correct
I feel like the logic goes that the duration as a concept existed to god before creation, and creation was made to match. Makes me wonder if creationists view the duration of a day as a holy measurement
They may look cute, but just remember they will never feel guilt after eating your lunch out of the shared fridge!
Jokes on you, I’m moderately red green colorblind so I wouldn’t realize it if there was red present
Because business majors decided a search engines primary job was actually to serve you ads rather than to help you search for things
Doesn’t that use an actual, but very uncommon 3d file explorer though?
Do it with a temporary tattoo and enlist your friend to setup the joke somewhere. Keep your friend and get the goofs
Thats exactly where on the AT I was thinking it was
Is the picture included along the AT? It looks actually familiar
We could inadvertently make 12/31/1969 and 1/1/1970 the most dangerous destination for time travelers, sounds fun to me.
Closed source software has the exact same bullying issue, the difference is instead of the bullies being random people on the internet, they are managers with power over you. They are at least as likely to make you do something dangerous as the randoms, but they don’t have to try as hard to hide it.
Its a good time and seeing the beavers doing their cute little thing never gets old. That is sadly a double edged sword because if you’re bad like me it is quite possible to have your beaver community fall to famine
Little Girl: “Yes” Schrödinger: Drives off cackling about how it is finally either alive or dead
No they’re not. The OP’s comic explicitly raised the comparison.