I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?
I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?
I mean, on the cosmic scale that’s the context for the story, both cars and robots are tiny ;) I’m sure the black hole will think they’re cute before gobbling them up.
That’s what you took from this?
This is such a wildly intelligent comment that I’m curious what the down voters think. Guessing either Tate fans or ignoramuses, but I’m happy to be proven wrong.
I am both the leaf, and the fruit flies who copulate on it.
Well I don’t know about you guys, but I sure am convinced.
Ok but like, there was a little sip and flirt on the way wasn’t there? ;)
I kid. Keep on keeping on.
That was actually an interesting read. First one from a game journalist in a while lol. Crazy how much energy they spent on just one, rather small character.
For when you want to watch someone go fuck themselves…
Burn the witch!
No “/s” necessary. That notation is for lazy writing. If the OP was being sarcastic, it was poorly communicated and deserves the condemnation. Sarcasm’s risky. Do it well and it’s hilarious. Do it poorly and get flamed. That’s the gamble.
What do you envision “high quality human contact” to be?
Elden Ring. I decided to go into the DLC with a new character and getting him setup so he’s ready to jump in. Gathering smithing stones and other mats, killing Radahn and Mohg, and getting some weapons whenever I finally decide what build I want to start with. Put a couple hours in so far and really enjoying it.
Shit, we forgot to call EMS didn’t we?
And ya needed to engage because…?
Lighten up and live a little fam. We all just here having some fun :) Join us in the merrymaking.
I look forward to waiting a few months after release to see if it’s complete and worth buying.
I mean, runtimes can be a legit reason to say something’s not working.
At the very least I’d try to clean up that fuzzy condition on behavior to anticipate any bad or inconsistent data entry.
WHERE UPPER(TRIM(behavior)) = ‘NICE’
Depending on the possible values in behavior, adding a wildcard or two might be useful but would need to know more about that field to be certain. Personally I’d rather see if there was a methodology using code values or existing indicators instead of a string, but that’s often just wishful thinking.
Edit: Also, why dafuq we doing a select all? What is this, intro to compsci? List out the values you need, ya heathen ;)
(This is my favorite Xmas meme lol)
There was an expectation…