• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2024


  • Hey, I think I can be an outside voice here, while I am white, I’m poor, queer, and learned homebrewing from my Hispanic father in law making tepache.

    Given my experience with the Mexican brewing community and the rural white folk brewers in my area, I think the barrier here is just internet use. My father in law speaks limited English so he’s kind of adverse to forum conservation. The stillers back in my home town didn’t need the internet, they learned it from their parents and talked about it with their neighbors.

    For my part, I came here to bridge the gap and make something a little more white, middle-class, straight. My fil’s tepatche is a dinghy grey paint water, mine is a crisp, clear amber. I don’t see any dandelion or mulberry wine here, but champagne yeast makes for a better taste then bread yeast.

    If you’re looking for something different, pick a random fruit and see how we’ve used it for alcohol, because we’ve absolutely used it for alcohol.

  • I love AMAW so much! I love putting dumb things together, I love using it to make a esthetically pleasing things, it’s just so much fun.

    My favorite load out is the sawed off double barrel shotgun receiver on the hunting rifle short stock, with the combat shotgun loop sight and rocket launcher bayonet. It looks like a modest junk shotgun and Stat wise is just slightly better choke and range than the sawed off normally.

    I also like to put the syringer barrels on all my long guns, they don’t change the stats much but it really feels like a wastelander weapon to see it on the hunting rifle. I just really wish you could make a revolver into a carbine. Every time I try it turns into spaghetti in my character’s hand.