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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • After growing up mostly in the Colorado mountains, and even later in the more suburban areas, but still near enough to the mountains, lynx and cougar calls are strange and loud as shit. They scared the jeebs out of child-me in the dark nothing. Cool as hell, though, once you know what they are. Loud ass kitties, echoing for miles.

  • Our 2012 Subaru with a Megaman decal and a Cthulu-fish just saved my spouse from being horribly killed by a driver who blared through a red, t-boned the shit out of the driver’s side and flipped him, absolutely crushing the car, but not him. We’re 100% getting another, (an older Outback if possible) and I will wallpaper that mofo in COEXIST if it keeps either of us as…not dead.

    Below: just about all we could salvage from the impound after it was decoupled from the other driver’s car, flipped upright, towed and totaled. We have their front Honda emblem, though, cause it was stuck in our car!

  • Whatever hurdles you still have, dear Stamets, I hope you’re able to keep working towards getting meds. Some fiction-worthy circumstances made my own undertaking SUCK, and it took other extreme health trials for me to even tackle the whole process properly in the first place, cause all that stuff made me a pro with “just one more day of this shit, and I can die tomorrow, right?”, but so far it’s been utterly worthwhile. We can all cry, together!

  • Yeah, I recently got meds at 33 (hooray!), insane improvement, and morning brain is still like “But do you really have the severe ADHD you definitely have, or is it all just a big fucking lie you made up to excuse your weaknesses, you weak bitch? Maybe you just need 6-28 cups of coffee and 12 hours of guilty scrolling to low-volume TV to start your day, hmmmm?”

    Then I finally take my damn pill, everything shuts the hell up, and I realize how completely chill I am, and capable of laundry.

    Think I’ll print this out to go on the fridge, (with a calendar event set every few weeks to move its placement, before object permanence turns it to invisible scenery).