Getting weirder and weirder is the only viable direction a Master of the Universe movie can go for success. Don’t you remember the last movie?
Getting weirder and weirder is the only viable direction a Master of the Universe movie can go for success. Don’t you remember the last movie?
YYYY-MM-DD is the only non-mental way to write either.
I was only answering your question about why programming a way to parse those common date formats is problematic.
The date is 12/11/2024. Am I talking about yesterday or a day about a month ago?
That’s probably because Aldi is buying it from several different producers (processors, packagers, or bottlers. Not sure the appropriate title) that apply Aldi’s branding (or whomever) to the package.
Another lesson I the importance of significant digits, a concept I’ve had to remind many a young (and sometimes an old) engineer about. An interesting idea along similar lines is that 2 + 2 can equal 5 for significantly large values of 2.
No longer profitable FOR THE ARTIST. Profit is absolutely being made from touring musicians, it’s just not going to the people actually making the music.
Hedwig sings a song about this myth, Origin of Love.
I’m not the one being combative here. You’re attitude is pretty condescending and alienating. Are you okay?
You totally missed the part where OP said she was looking into Python because she ALREADY WORKS IN GIS.
She already works in GIS and is looking to supplement that work with python. Python is used for more than geojson and web development in ArcGIS Pro. I’ve use it for constructing labels, simple field calculations, symbology, data processing etc. and in general ESRI makes it pretty simple to implement compared to the other terms you’ve listed. All she really needs to get started using Python with ESRI products is an simple python course and googling for some ArcGIS examples, which are pretty abundant. I remember taking one ages ago that ran the code in the browser, but I can’t remember it now.
Let this be a lesson to you then. Checking the logs should be your first troubleshooting step, not installing a variety of distros until one “just works”. Good luck.
My work boot socks are Kirkland brand Merino and I’ve bought some Smartwool socks. This is not a recommendation of those brands, just the easiest one’s to find with a reliable amount of wool when I bought them. They’re both ok, but really any sock with a sufficient amount of wool in the blend and a good fit will work. The one’s with more wool and less stretch will obviously not stretch as much, but they will eventually confirm to your foot shape surprisingly well. The one’s with less wool in the blend also seem to not last as long. If you’re wearing them in a boot and expect some actually dirt getting in there, a thicker sock will hold up better and protect your feet better long term. At least that is my impression.
Opposite. I wear wool socks. Sometimes my socks are sopping wet, but my feet feel dry.
Some people get a lot out of sitting very still and clearing their minds completely. Some people get more clarity in motion, while running, rowing, cycling, or walking. There is another way on meditation that involves almost the opposite of a clear mind, where you focus on experiencing and really noticing absolutely everything around you; every breath, birdsong, machine noise, footstep, squirrel chittering, and insect buzzing. Sometimes while focusing on a puzzle or game like Tetris, Sodoku, or a Rubik’s cube, it feels meditative to me. I don’t know if that’s real meditation. But my point is that everyone’s built differently, find what works for you and stop worrying about failing. If you’re trying, you’re not failing.
No. No. No. Don’t just buy a raw one if you don’t know what to do with it. Find a place that has prepared it in something. I recommend durian ice cream. The waitress warned me that it tasted like gas. I asked her if she meant the fuel or farts and she just repeated “gassy”. It smelled sweet like unburned gasoline at a classic car show and earthy like a belt loosening fart. And yet somehow it doesn’t actually taste bad. It’s mostly just unsettling that it tastes as good as it does. I’m not sure I’d order it again, except on a dare or to horrify any companions that haven’t experienced it yet. It’s like spicy food, sometimes you’ve got to power through the initial stink/spice to really get to the hidden flavors.
Yeah, dividing a circle into 360 parts, then subdividing those by 60, and further subdividing those by 60 makes so much more sense than just using ratio of a number fundamental to circles themselves.
Because it’s a unit circle.
Sine of theta is the ratio of the lengths of the Opposite side over the Hypotenuse (SOH). Cosine of theta is Adjacent over Hypotenuse (CAH). Tangent of theta is Opposite over Adjacent (TOA).
Calling anything bad weird seems a little judgemental for my taste. I like bad weird. Good weird is boring.Ya basic.