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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Just fyi, the sedation is usually not medically necessary. I have had it (as well as a colonoscopy) done without, just got a spray to numb the throat for a short while. It’s not pleasant, but I found it bearable and it’s much nicer to just walk out and drive home on your own. If necessary I could still have told/signaled that I want sedation after all during the procedure. Propofol works within less than a minute. In that case they would have called someone to pick me up.

    That said, I do live in Germany, so money does not play as big a role as in the US when it comes to healthcare. And the doctors and their staff were exceedingly nice and caring.

    Maybe, if you believe you can bear it, and if acid reflux does not make it painful, ask to do it without sedation next time.

  • You have asked why there is so much hype around artifical intelligence.

    There are a few reasons this might be the case:

    1. Because humans are curious. Experimenting with how humans believe memory and intelligence work might just lead them to find out something about their own intelligence.

    2. Because humans are stupid. Most do not have the slightest idea what „AI“ is this time, yet they are willing to believe in the most outlandish claims about it. Look up ELIZA. It fooled a lot of people, just like LLMs today.

    3. Because humans are greedy. And the prospect of replacing a lot of wage-earners, and not just manual laborers this time, with a machine is just too good to pass up for management. The potential savings are huge, if it works, so the willingness to spend money is also considerable.

    In conclusion, there are many reasons for the hype around artificial intelligence and most of them relate to human deficiencies and human nature in general.

    If you have further questions I am happy to help. Enjoy your experience with AI. While you still can. 🤖

  • Any HDD should be able to get at least 100MB/s sequential write speed. Unfortunately torrent writes are usually very random, which just kills hdd performance. Multiple parallel downloads or concurrent playback from the same disk will only make it worse.

    Using a SSD for temporary files will absolutely help. It should be big enough to hold all the files you are downloading at any one time.

    You could also try to find a write cache setting that works for you. That way what would usually be many small writes can be combined to bigger chunks in memory before sending them to storage. Depending on how much ram is available I would start at 1GB or so and if it is still bottlenecking try in- or decreasing until it improves. Of course always stay in the range of free ram.

    Back when I was torrenting (ages ago) write cache helped a lot. It should be somewhere in the settings menu.

  • Here is Germany it’s a bit more complicated:

    We have a tax id that never changes and is assigned to every person at birth. It’s used for tax purposes. There was some opposition against it due to the centralized and permanent nature, so politicians are careful not to openly use it for other purposes. Behind the scenes it is on the way to become a universal id number for most government databases.

    Then there is the tax number, which contains a number of the tax office in your region, so if you move you get a new one. Businesses also get them. This was the old system, which is still in use today.

    Health insurance and pension have their own number schemes.

    For identification with private parties (like banks) you use your id or passport, which have their own numbers. Owning either an id card or a passport is mandatory.

  • CPUs have been sold limited to market demand, not their actual capabilities for ages. Back when I had a Phenom II X3 I could actually unlock the fourth core and therefore make it into a X4 without any problem. There was no defect, it was just deactivated because the market demanded more X3s than X4s. It also happens, albeit much less often, with hard disks.

    Many car manufacturers actually put in more capacity than is advertised. Not for later upsell opportunities, but to increase battery longevity. Where do we draw the line? Is 5% ok, or 15% or 30%? Or do we ban later „unlocking“ the reserve capacity for money?

    As a prospective buyer I would be outraged if they made me haul a bigger battery for only their benefit of a later potential upsell. But it is not that easy. Even if they impose a charging limit the buyer would still be getting a much larger reserve capacity and with it a longer battery life. That’s the reason I would actually prefer buying a car with a bigger, „locked“ battery compared to one with a battery at exactly the size I ordered.

  • The same as you do if you can afford dental care:

    Most importantly: Brush at least once, better twice a day. No exceptions ever. Make it part of your daily morning or evening rituals. It takes about a day for plaque to harden and then you can no longer brush it away. Don’t ever let it get to that.

    If you can afford one, get an electric toothbrush.

    Be gentle with the brush. All you need is a very soft scrubbing. Pressure can damage your teeth and gums.

    Chewing gum can reduce acids and help remineralize your enamel after eating. Sugar free is better, but afaik even gum with sugar has a net positive effect if you chew it long enough after the sugar has dissolved.

    Try to avoid getting into a routine that leaves out spots when brushing. Personally, I switch hands every day and once or twice a week I use a non-electric brush.

    If you want to optimize this: those tablets that the dentist uses to stain plaque to check where you missed a spot are cheap, you don’t necessarily need a dentist for that if you can’t afford one.

    Floss and use interdental brushes regularly. Use mouthwash every now and then, and at the first sign of gum inflammation. Preferably one without alcohol, because that seems to increase the risk of cancer.

    If you can’t afford professional tooth cleaning, try asking for calculus removal, if you have any. Here in Germany that’s ~15€ instead of ~100€. Once it’s gone prevent it from building up again (see above).

    If you have cavities, try to get rid of them as early as possible. Maybe there are some charity or teaching clinics. Cavities only ever get more expensive in the long run. And it is much easier to maintain an infection free mouth than to constantly fight to keep the decay from spreading.