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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • C is dangerous like your uncle who drinks and smokes. Y’wanna make a weedwhacker-powered skateboard? Bitchin’! Nail that fucker on there good, she’ll be right. Get a bunch of C folks together and they’ll avoid all the stupid easy ways to kill somebody, in service to building something properly dangerous. They’ll raise the stakes from “accident” to “disaster.” Whether or not it works, it’s gonna blow people away.

    C++ is dangerous like a quiet librarian who knows exactly which forbidden tomes you’re looking for. He and his… associates… will gladly share all the dark magic you know how to ask about. They’ll assure you, oh no no no, the power cosmic would never turn someone inside-out, without sufficient warning. They don’t question why a loving god would allow the powers you crave. They will show you which runes to carve, and then, they will hand you the knife.

  • Running slower means you have less space.

    Dude, think of it like a photograph. If you had a lens that could squeeze a square frame into a narrower rectangle, you could advance the film any distance between frames, and scrunch the image to take up that much space. But the slower the film moves - the less distance there is between frames - and the scrunchier each image gets. There’s an upper limit to how much detail any given area can capture. The film grain quickly becomes visible. When the image gets blown back up to its regular shape, some of the information has been lost, because the medium has finite detail.

    A slow hard drive takes longer to access information. Video tape doesn’t work that way. It displays in real time. When it moves at one inch per second, every frame gets 1/60th of an inch.

    And at some point, it doesn’t matter how much detail the head tries to write - the tape itself has limits. There are physical bits of metal, suspended in goo, stuck to clear plastic. The engineers of the format chose the lowest tape speed that could hold enough information for a picture with acceptable quality. If they could have stored the same information by running slower - they would have. And it would save the manufacturer a shitload of money, since they’d need less physical tape inside each cassette.