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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 11th, 2023


  • Again, bullshit.

    When I was dodging viruses downloading shit off limewire in the mid 00s, the vast majority of the time I searched for English names, people recommended things in English names, and the title card of the opening credits had a subtitle for the title of the show that everyone knew it by.

    You’re just being an insufferable “I was into it before it was mainstream” dork.

  • He got the details wrong, but the important part right. They live off of loans and either let the interest ride or only sell enough assets to pay the interest. When they die, their heirs can sell as much as is needed to pay the loan tax free because the basis is reset to the current value of the assets when they are inherited.

    This isn’t the only thing they do, but it is one part of it

  • The footprints of chargers and gas stations aren’t the same though. A lot of places I go have a row of 8-10 spots with chargers. No added footprint really, just installed at the front of the spot. Compare that to an 8-10 pump gas station, even without a convenience store. If you removed a gas station and replaced it with rows of spaces with chargers I think you’d get more cars through over a given period of time.

  • I didn’t mean to suggest 90s rap was one-dimensional but it does seem like there is more variety now. But I wasn’t in an environment where I could buy local/touring hip hop tapes out of the trunk of a car, where I was that sort of thing was mostly punk and metal, so I never experienced all there was to offer. Maybe what I perceive as an increase is just due to streaming services making discovery so much easier.

  • That’s an interesting point about the accessibility of digital tools. Without a completely new way to craft a sound nothing could sound all that different.

    Although I do like “real” country music (sorry about the gatekeeping) “pop country”, Nashville pop, or whatever you want to call it, is the one genre of music I dislike the whole of. I guess it’s different from other country but it’s similar enough to generic pop I wouldn’t consider it new.

    I do agree about rap/hip-hop though. The artists I listen to now are very different than what I listened to in the 90s and there is a much wider variety of style. I wonder how much of that is due to how easy it is to discover new artists now. Back in the 90s learning about underground rap artists, or underground anything, wasn’t easy.

  • Not Nirvana, wrong genre. But it wouldn’t be out of place on one of my metal stations, but I don’t have to wait for that because now I have a station based on them, thank you for that.

    But Morbid Angel came up after a few songs (to be fair it was a more recent song) and that’s kind of my point. Stations based on a 90s band will get me recent stuff and vice versa. If I make a Who station, Elvis doesn’t come up. If I make a Joplin station, L7 doesn’t come up. You usually get a pretty narrow time frame for anything pre-90s, after that it’s anything goes.

    That’s not to say Igorrr sounds exactly like anyone from 30 years ago, but it’s an evolution as opposed to a revolution.

    Edit: several songs later I got NIN, Mr. Self Destruct, it doesn’t get much more 90s than that.

  • I like today’s music but it seems derivative. Maybe I’m full of shit, and feel free to tell me why, but it seems like music from my dad’s youth (which I also like) was way different than mine, but nothing has changed that much since then.

    You could take today’s music and put it on a radio station in the 90s and it wouldn’t seem out of place if you didn’t know any better. I don’t think the same is true for 90s music on a 60s or 70s station.