• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Well, it’s just a company trying to hype their product, so definitely craze territory.

    There is some good stuff in shrooms as others have already covered, and most of that will be present in a broth made from them. So it isn’t totally bullshit. But it also isn’t coffee in any way at all.

    As far as making it into a power yourself, you likely wouldn’t get the same results since drying the damn things, then processing them is not exactly a learning curveless thing. Definitely doable, just takes some effort to get nailed. I used to do it to add flavor to stuff without having the actual pieces of mushroom present, since the texture is offputting to a decent number of people I have cooked for. Not worth the effort imo, but maybe if you’ve been recommended to have a specific mushroom by your doctor, it would be worth it.

  • The only reason it’s obvious is that there’s billions of people in earth. It’s hard to find anything that there isn’t a decent number of people that feel/experience the same thing.

    Which is no biggie at all, I didn’t intend for it to come across snippy or anything.

    Hell, the only reason I even mentioned that this isn’t best place is that once you get enough down votes, a post can get buried to anyone that isn’t sorting by new. Reduces the chances of interaction.

    I’m trying to recall where on lemmy, and what the name is, for the “doesanyoneever” type of thing. I ran a couple of searches, but there’s too many ways it could have been created the run through them all but there is one, and I could have sworn it was on lemmy.world, but I’m not seeing it currently. But I could just be missing it, I dunno.

  • I mean, is this actually a question?

    It really seems more like a rant followed with a DAE at the end to keep form.

    There’s nothing to answer here.

    Which is fine, but you picked the wrong C/ for it, which means you aren’t as likely to get favorable responses.

    But, with that said, of course you’re not the only one. It’s a pretty common sentiment, particularly when people have some long term health issues (physical or mental). You go to enough group therapy sessions, you’d be hard pressed to not have any given group be a majority of members feeling the same. Same with many support groups.

    It’s a thing.

  • I mean, it’s a dick move, but doesn’t qualify as abuse imo. No harm would come from it by itself, and if the cat didn’t object at all, it’s not worth arguing about.

    But my grandparents had to shave their cat’s tail for a few years. He would suck on it, and in the process pull out hairs, which would end up with sores where they had been pulled. So the vet said to keep it shaved down, if the cat would tolerate it. The cat did, and no more issues.

  • The down votes are about not having done due diligence.

    Private investigators don’t break stalking laws because they don’t need to. They can do their jobs comfortably, from a distance, without any illegal acts at all.

    For the question in the post itself, they don’t even need to have anything to do with the subject of their job. They’ll be looking into backgrounds, digging through records as their main method. Most of what any PI does is digging through records.

    Even when they observe and record current activity of a person, there’s no need to violate stalking laws the get the job done, because those laws are written with pretty specific language. With the caveat that the exact wording is going to vary by jurisdiction, there’s no sustained harassment, or any direct contact at all during a normal PI job. Even photography or other records are made from a distance, and in places where the expectation of privacy doesn’t apply. More important, they don’t sustain that level of surveillance past the point where the case ends.

    Now, that’s not saying that individual PIs don’t cross the line, they probably do, the same as paparazzi do, though probably far less often since their entire job is expensive to pay for, and they won’t be paid if they end up in trouble for breaking laws while doing something unnecessary.

    In other words, movies and TV vastly misconstrue what the job is actually like.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.workstoScience Memes@mander.xyzHistories Mysteries
    5 days ago

    Well, I was a nurse’s assistant for twenty years, and had female patients in ages ranging from infant to 103. Sometimes, someone poops and you have to get in there and visually confirm everything is clear.

    I never once saw vulvae like that. Never have in pornography, erotica, or with sexual partners.

    As art it’s fine. Nothing wrong with interpretation of reality. But as an anatomical model, it fails horribly.

    For one thing, no clitoral hood. No urethra that I can see. Even assuming the near infinite variety of shapes labia can be, and assuming that a person only has labia as depicted, there’s still a lack of other anatomy that would be easy to visually verify for something intended as an anatomical reference.

    Tbh, it looks less realistic than some of the stuff I saw on bathroom walls in high school lol.

    Even pictures I’ve seen of genital mutilation, voluntary body modification, and post surgical results don’t look like that.

    I think the closest I’ve seen was post labiaplasty, when everything was still swollen enough the lady couldn’t close her legs without pain.

    I just don’t believe the artist used any model at all.

  • southsamurai@sh.itjust.workstoScience Memes@mander.xyzHistories Mysteries
    6 days ago

    Okay, okay, I can get the internal structures being an unknown.

    But damn, could they not have found someone willing to show the artist their cooch? That’s the one part that you don’t have to cut someone open to know what it looks like. I mean, you can, but it’s totally optional, and much messier.

    Point is, they could have found some way to trick someone into being a model. Like, “hello ma’am, your shoes are unbuttoned”, then run around behind them, flip their skirts up and take a peek at the very least.

  • I don’t think this one has a clear cut answer.

    In other words, it’ll come down to opinions rather than facts or truths.

    There’s at least three likely possibilities, in my opinion.

    First is that hamas is decentralized well enough that taking out leadership only is kinda pointless.

    Second, the goals of the current actions aren’t solely about hamas, and taking out leaders would weaken the goals as they appear.

    Third, mossad may not be able to achieve the goal, and failing would be too risky considering how much pressure is already building against israel. If they try to assassinate people in other countries, and they fail, that’s going to make more enemies than they already have, despite those countries themselves already being less than friendly to Israel.

    I suspect that the matter was considered, but discarded quickly. It just wouldn’t achieve anything useful for them, despite the purported goal of destroying hamas.

    Now, there’s also the chances that the real goal is purely to destroy Palestine, and take full ownership of the land. That’s a distinct possibility, imo. If that’s the real underlying goal, doing anything to take down hamas before that’s achieved would not happen.

    I don’t think that anyone can trust what a world leader engaged in a military action of any kind, so taking the stated goals as truth is a bad idea. But they could be, and if that’s the case, then using assassination as a tool would weaken their position. It’s kinda frowned on.