I should hope not, but skirting around it that way with euphemisms like “PCM authright” is the sort of shitlord behaviour I would’ve expected from someone who does hold that view, so I guess it’s a good thing we cleared that up.
I bring it up because new Hampshire is specifically mentioned by the alt right with racist motives. Thanks for implying I’m a shitlord and a coward though that’s a great way to win over liberals like me.
I should hope not, but skirting around it that way with euphemisms like “PCM authright” is the sort of shitlord behaviour I would’ve expected from someone who does hold that view, so I guess it’s a good thing we cleared that up.
I bring it up because new Hampshire is specifically mentioned by the alt right with racist motives. Thanks for implying I’m a shitlord and a coward though that’s a great way to win over liberals like me.