Yeah ok… Clean them like any normal logical human being, aka by using common sense and stuff you already have at home. Or buy those non necessary cleaning kits!
Thanks wired.
I just want to see a lifehack that doesn’t make my eyes roll.
“After breathing in, breathe out!”
Then what? I’m getting dizzy… Instructions unclear.
Pffft, your earbuds are gross!
This helped save a few of the earphones you get with iPhones.
I use an ultrasonic cleaner with warm soapy water. Works wonders - they basically look new!
Another reason why I love open format earbuds.
Tell me more about this
Game changer for me. Use convential earbuds (cheap ones) with anc for couple times a year that I’m on a plane. High quality convential wired earmuff style for armchair listening. These for everything else.
Ah, open, as in not creating a seal in your ear, and not open as in open source.
I knew that…
Both would be even cooler.
Neat, but don’t look like open format.
If its earwax, use hydrogen peroxide on a small swab or wipe. Itll take it right off.
For other gunk: vinegar, dawn soap, lemon juice (depending on what the cause is)
I immerse mine in vinegar for 24hrs, once every decade. Really solves the problem
Are the electronics not damaged from this ?
Yes. You have to throw them out immediately after and then buy new ones. Really gets 'em clean.