Because automation, containers, and VMs are fucking cool. I can run computers inside other computers. I can run tiny little computers that only do one thing. How fucking cool is that?
I’m really excited about bootable containers. There is so much potential and I would love to see distros outside of Fedora and Red Hat running it.
Imagine running Arch but instead of battling your single system you instead created a Dockerfile and then built and tested new containers once and a while. You could even define tests so that a bad update would be flagged.
I mean, I could just patch and do some housecleaning, and maybe adjust partitions.
OR I could reinstall fucking everything from scratch because it feels good.
I recognize this behavior in myself… please send help.
Automate everything and leverage container and VMs
Why? IDK
Because automation, containers, and VMs are fucking cool. I can run computers inside other computers. I can run tiny little computers that only do one thing. How fucking cool is that?
I’m really excited about bootable containers. There is so much potential and I would love to see distros outside of Fedora and Red Hat running it.
Imagine running Arch but instead of battling your single system you instead created a Dockerfile and then built and tested new containers once and a while. You could even define tests so that a bad update would be flagged.
Good rule of thumb I’ve decided upon over the years for this:
“If the # of kernels present is greater than 3, reinstall for thee”.
Figure 3 full kernel versions, excluding patches averages 12-18 months (based on history). It’s been a good metric to follow.