My server is exactly as I need. Basically 1 year old now. This year I really want to do vlans to control the network more than an off the shelf router. I work in tech and still am struggling because all I know is meraki bullshit and that’s not priced for the typical home user.
I’ll need a few AP’s and a switch and firewall. I don’t know what to get or what to buy and each research session ends with more options than I started with. Anyway that’s my goal. I’ll get there eventually.
Honestly it’s a movie about stuff and occasionally has some star trek sounds and maybe some music once in a while.
It has very little that makes it star trek in any sense.
The equivalent is Ford 150 branded deodorant stick. It’s technically labeled as if it has something to do with Ford trucks, but it’s deodorant for your arm pits.
Add all the other issues with the movie on top of this starting point.