To answer your question, no it is not valid. The fact that you don’t actually stand by the word offended really answers yourself.
To answer your question, no it is not valid. The fact that you don’t actually stand by the word offended really answers yourself.
Why choose “offended” as the verb here? I’m not saying I’ve never seeing an offensive movie… But what you described is an annoyance at most.
It’s almost as if you are claiming offense to be contrarian.
He wanted to grok it?
This was my take as well. They only realized the MAGA folks were racist when they called Indians filthy.
When they were calling mexicans rapists and murders 😴
When they said africa was full of shithole countries 😴
I could go on, but it is kinda exhausting. Coming up next is the working class people when they start getting called white trash. Its coming once they consolidate enough power and dont need them anymore.
This presupposes there is some music you stopped listening to after high school, Im with you, I still listen to a bunch of that stuff. Some not as often as others, but it brings back memories. I was a metal head though and there was a lot of great 90s metal.
My brother loves his xterra so much he is on his 3rd (first was an accident, second went to the ex in the divorce). I rarely ride in it, but it seems kinda like a rattle trap to me. I dont know how much of that is his abuse and how much is the car.
Part 1 is the first act, somewhat expanded. The additions are pretty seamless and add a bit to the story. Its been a long time since I saw the play, but there is only one part I was sure wasn’t in the original
(A Cameo with Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel)
If you are into the play you would probably like it. I went with my wife and daughters and they loved it. I found it enjoyable enough. As someone who isn’t super into the play, it was paced well, with some good comical elements.
Really what TuEstUnePommeDeTerre did was help us with ours. “Do your homework” is the laziest phrase, I cannot express how much I hate it. Its a phrase of dismissal. If you have a kid that is struggling, you should HELP them with their homework, not just tell them to do it. I say this because I think it is emblematic of the intellectual laziness of the folks who use this phrase thinking of it as punctuation in their winning argument.
I’m not a programmer but I have at least one double booking every day. Some weeks look like a brick wall sideways (they seem to always overlap by a half hour for some reason).
Im in CA and we have a skeleton house as well. I see it every day on my commute (its on one of the three roads you have to travel to get into the town). Its fun to se how creative they get with the costumes. Still dressed up for pride month last I drove by.
that would make someone a real bastard…
I shouldn’t bother engaging with you either. You throw around the word abuse, when talking about a joke regarding striped paint, I honestly dont know where to start with that kind of mentality. Here I go anyway. Constant insults can be abusive, yes. Belittling a child is abusive, absolutely. Striped paint or left handed screw drivers are not that. I am actually raising kids, I am there for them when they need it. When they are in a stable place, I push them to grow. Sometimes that means going a bit farther on our hikes, sometimes it means sounding out the word themselves, or working out the math problem for themself, and sometimes it means pushing them to handle their emotions better. Sometimes it means learning to take a joke.
Am I traumatizing my children telling them about Santa?
Personally I’m good with my children being suspicious of me. Don’t trust me blindly just because I’m an authority, trust me because you know me and my motivations.
These types of light hazing are actually trying to lower the stakes. The greybeards get to tell the stories of when they were young and dumb going on snipe hunts. we all make mistakes, developing the ability to laugh at YOURSELF is important. Its an inoculation against embarrassment. If someone is so prideful that they cant stand to ever be wrong, when the make a mistake that matters, they will try to hide it and that is when things go from bad to worse.
The address doesn’t exist. Juniper street doesn’t go up to 215
They can be even more complicated
just watch out for the headwind
Basic: Lime and garlic salt. Bonus: Pico de Gallo (with lots of fresh garlic and lime juice)