These kinds of men that are constantly focused on what it means to be a ‘man’ are the biggest fucking insecure snowflakes of them all. These are the kind of people who act like their entire race and gender is being erased when 1 in 10 Marvel movies don’t have a white male lead. When all attention isn’t on them, they spit their pacifiers out and wail.
Take this election for example. It wasn’t about them. Even if they don’t care about queer people (we know they don’t), it was also about doing the right thing for their mothers and their sisters and their daughters. But because the poor, hard done by white man wasn’t given as much importance as people who are literally getting their rights taken away, they decided join the oppressors and spit in their mothers’ faces.
Not because they’re men but because they’re pieces of shit.
My first ever suspension from Reddit was for an anti religion comment. On Reddit. Then after my 3 days were up, the first thread I saw was on the subject of religion, full of people saying worse thing than I had, and in one of the major subs, not even atheism or anything.
I could definitely buy that they’re using AI but personally I always had the impression that they outsource the job and don’t make sure everyone is even on the same page or can read English properly.
Because even the stuff that gets [removed by Reddit] seems to be nonsense a lot of the time. A while ago I saw someone make a post saying something like “Hi guys, haven’t been active much lately. But I’m back and gonna be posting more.” Came back later and it was [removed by Reddit]. So not even that is trustworthy or gives the impression that they actually know wtf they’re doing.