That quote was just beautiful. I really wish we could just share our experiences with those in other areas without any judgement, and just acknowledge our differences, and similarities as humans.
That quote was just beautiful. I really wish we could just share our experiences with those in other areas without any judgement, and just acknowledge our differences, and similarities as humans.
It has SWARES!! SWARES, I tell you!
Ooh. Dunno about the adaptation side of things. I will say that I read the damned thing all in one night. Had to stay home from classes after doing so. Good book, to say the least.
I think they are buying carve outs for the tariffs
The healthcare ones are real. I hear it from my own patients. I have to apologize for my job sector too frequently to women of color.
Either that or chew on its ear. That is normal, right?
No. It is consistent. Bodily autonomy for everyone. You don’t get to go into the populations as a plague rat and kill others with your idiocy, though. That impinges on their freedoms.
sigh. As a full apple/linux user, you are so right. The pain of extracting my family from our integration in the apple ecosystem would just be too much. They got us.
You will want to be sure to sift them a little, as there will be a lot of stones in them, in my experience.
A quality, subject appropriate song.
Raw tomatoes typically make me gag. I recently found my uncle and cousins do it too. There is something specific that is unappealing to the point our bodies don’t think it is safe to eat.
Kind of like slashdot modding of yore? I don’t recall if they still do it, but they had multiple positive and negative tags for moderation.