Just a humble squid that over produces slime. Buy my slime, its a medical wonder, cures halitosis, weird eye syndrome, bolding.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2024


  • this sounds very involved initially but hands off after the fact.

    cd ~/ || exit
    LATEST_KERNEL=$(curl -s https://www.kernel.org | grep -Po 'linux-\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.tar\.xz' | head -1)
    echo "Latest Kernel: $LATEST_KERNEL"
    echo "Kernel URL: $KERNEL_URL"
    DIR_NAME=$(echo $LATEST_KERNEL | sed 's/\.tar\.xz//')
    mkdir -p ./$DIR_NAME
    wget -O ./$DIR_NAME/$LATEST_KERNEL "$KERNEL_URL" || exit
    tar -xf ./$DIR_NAME/$LATEST_KERNEL -C ./$DIR_NAME || exit
    EXTRACTED_DIR=$(tar -tf ./$DIR_NAME/$LATEST_KERNEL | head -1 | cut -f1 -d"/")
    cd ./$DIR_NAME/$EXTRACTED_DIR || exit
    zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
    echo "Kernel config copied."
    if [ -f "drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/link_dpms.c" ] && [ -f "drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/protocols/link_dp_training.c" ]; then
        echo "Files found, proceeding with modifications..."
        sed -i 's/#define LINK_TRAINING_RETRY_DELAY 50 \/\* ms \*\//#include <linux\/module.h>\nstatic int link_training_retry_delay = 50;\nmodule_param(link_training_retry_delay, int, 0644);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(link_training_retry_delay, "Delay between link training retries (ms)");\n#define LINK_TRAINING_RETRY_DELAY link_training_retry_delay/' drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/protocols/link_dp_training.c
        sed -i 's/#define LINK_TRAINING_ATTEMPTS 4/#include <linux\/module.h>\nstatic int link_training_attempts = 4;\nmodule_param(link_training_attempts, int, 0644);\nMODULE_PARM_DESC(link_training_attempts, "Number of link training attempts");\n#define LINK_TRAINING_ATTEMPTS link_training_attempts/' drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/dc/link/link_dpms.c
        echo "One or both files not found in the kernel source directory."
    echo "Kernel modifications complete."
    make olddefconfig || exit
    #make || exit
    echo "Compiling the kernel..."
    make -j16 || exit
    echo "Building modules..."
    sudo make modules_install || exit   
    echo "Installing the kernel..."
    sudo make install || exit   
    echo "Backing up existing kernel files..."
    sudo cp /boot/vmlinuz-linux /boot/vmlinuz-linux.bak
    sudo cp /boot/initramfs-linux.img /boot/initramfs-linux.img.bak
    echo "Moving new kernel files to /boot..."
    sudo cp ./arch/x86/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-fix
    sudo mkinitcpio -k $(make kernelrelease) -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-fix.img
    if [ -f /boot/vmlinuz-fix ] && [ -f /boot/initramfs-fix.img ]; then
        echo "Kernel and initramfs moved to /boot successfully."
        echo "Failed to move kernel or initramfs files to /boot."
        exit 1
    echo "Kernel compilation, installation, and file replacement completed successfully."

  • this is nuanced. in the UK after ww2 our army’s returned without housing, without long term health care which we did fight for and Britain had an NHS and housing within 5 years but we had to struggle to get it. now in current, we’ve slowly been selling our NHS, council housing isn’t built at the necessary speeds. our towns and cities as well as education are on the brink of bankruptcy. capitalists are far better at small incremental changes then we are.

    where incremental action does work is strike action, anti war movements as they empower the working class to fight but we wont get the world we want without a revolution. speaking of cause a classless society.